Project – Vossstrasse

Palais Borsig – corner of Vossstrasse/ Wilhelmstrasse

Property: Voßstraße 1 (ab 1938 Voßstraße 2)
Built: 1875-77
Architect: Richard Lucae
Converted: 1934,1938 Albert Speer


Property: Voßstraße 2

Bavarian Embassy

Property: Voßstraße 2
Built: 1892
Architect: Büro Kyllmann und Heyden

Reich Justice Office

Property: Voßstraße 4-5
Built: 1878-1880
Architect: Georg Wilhelm Neumann

Head office of the German Reichsbahn company

Property: Voßstraße 6

Residential building owned by Wertheim Property

Property: Voßstraße 7

Residential building owned by Wertheim Property

Property: Voßstraße 8

residential house

Property: Voßstraße 9

Württemberg Embassy

Property: Voßstraße 10
Built: um 1890
Architect: Georg Wilhelm Neumann

Headquarters of the Gauverwaltung Gross-Berlin of the NSDAP

Property: Voßstraße 11

residential house

Property: Voßstraße 12

residential house

Property: Voßstraße 13

Residential building owned by Wertheim Property

Property: Voßstraße 14

Bank building by Delbrück Schickler & Co.

Voßstraße 15

residential house

Property: Voßstraße 16

Residential building owned by Wertheim Property

Property: Voßstraße 17

Residential building owned by Wertheim Property

Property: Voßstraße 18

Saxon Embassy

Property: Voßstraße 19

Former Imperial Navy Office

Property: Voßstraße 20


Property: Voßstraße 21

Palais Mosse

Voßstraße 22/ Leipziger Platz 15
Built: 1880
Architects: Ebe und Benda

Office building of the Berlin tram company

Property: Voßstraße 23

Wertheim department store (building sections two and three)

Property: Voßstraße 24-32 / Leipziger Platz und Leipziger Straße
Built: 1899-1906
Architect: Alfred Messel

Reich Ministry of Transport (Vossstrasse 33)

Property: Wilhelmstraße 79-80 / Voßstraße 33-35
Built:  1884-86
Architects: Ende & Böckmann

Reich Ministry of Transport

Property: Wilhelmstraße 79-80 / Voßstraße 33-35

Reich Ministry of Transport

Property: Wilhelmstraße 79-80 / Voßstraße 33-35