Between 2005 and 2010, Christoph Neubauer released several 3D documentaries on DVD. Since the DVD medium is no longer up-to-date, the production of further DVDs by Christoph Neubauer has been discontinued. However, it is still possible to purchase the documentaries published on DVD as a download. The DVDs that are already sold out will not be continued. However, some remaining stocks of some titles can still be purchased in the web shop.

Der Führerbunker (1935-1942)

Running Time: ca. 50 min
Language: German/ English
Format: PAL
EAN: 9783981159301
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Today, more than sixty years after Second World War, the Fuehrer Bunker - where Hitler committed suicide in 1945 - has become a place of myth. To date, over twenty different ground plans and countless contradicting descriptions of the bunker have been published. Recently, plans, measurements and photographs of the Fuehrer Bunker were discovered among the files of the former East German Secret Service. Using these documents, Keystone Animation created a full color 3D model of the Reich's Chancellery and the Fuehrer Bunker. The bunker was recreated in detail to finally demystify Hitler’s last refuge.

Der Führerbunker (1935-1942) shows the construction of the Tiefbunker of the Reich Chancellery, and the construction measures taken to strengthen the Vorbunker. More than sixty different building stages of the Tiefbunker were digitally reconstructed for this film. Thanks to a step by step depiction of the entire structure of the bunker complex, the eventful construction history of the Fuehrer Bunker is made understandable for the viewer.

Der Führerbunker (1943)

Running Time: ca. 50 min
Language: German/ English
Format: PAL
EAN: 9783981159325
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Today, more than sixty years after Second World War, the Fuehrer Bunker - where Hitler committed suicide in 1945 - has become a place of myth. To date, over twenty different ground plans and countless contradicting descriptions of the bunker have been published. Recently, plans, measurements and photographs of the Fuehrer Bunker were discovered among the files of the former East German Secret Service. Using these documents, Keystone Animation created a full color 3D model of the Reich's Chancellery and the Fuehrer Bunker. The bunker was recreated in detail to finally demystify Hitler’s last refuge.

Der Führerbunker 1943
shows the construction of the Tiefbunker of the Reichc hancellery, and the construction measures taken to strengthen the Vorbunker. More than sixty different building stages of the Tiefbunker were digitally reconstructed for this film. Due to the step by step reconstruction of the overall structure of the Bunker, the eventful history of the Fuehrer Bunker becomes understandable for the viewer.

Hitlers Berlin 3D/ Die Reichskanzlei – Interaktiv [2 DVDs]

Running Time ca. 110 min
Language: German/ English
Format: PAL
EAN: 9783981159325
Buy now: out of stockMain movie available as download in webshop)

DVD 1: Die Reichskanzlei
The New Reich Chancellery was the only major building project, finished by Albert Speer. Until today many myths are connected with Hitler’s Berlin headquarter. Myths which were purposely sprayed by Goebbels minister of propaganda. Partly this lies are still part of today’s documentaries about this building. This is mainly because the Russian administration of Berlin ordered the Reich Chancellery to be demolished after the war. Today, it is not possible to judge the building in an objective manner just by viewing historic photographs alone. For that reason, Christoph Neubauer started in 2003 building a high detailed computer model of the entire Chancellery and its surrounding buildings in the Berlin government district. He studied more then 10.000 photographs and construction plans and spent up to now more then 300.000 hours working on this project. This part of the documentary series “Hitler’s Berlin 3D” focuses on the historic background which shaped the building of the Reich Chancellery. Beginning with the Old Reich Chancellery, the film also covers the extensions made in 1929 and 1934-1936. Further more the construction of the New Reich Chancellery is shown in detail. This documentary shows, besides the official facades of the building on Wilhelmplatz, Vossstrasse and Hermann – Goering – Strasse, also the facades which were not designed for the public eye.

DVD 2: Die Reichskanzlei – Interaktiv
This DVD makes it possible for the user to move by himself through the property of the Chancellery, on Wilhelmplatz, Vossstrasse and Hermann – Goering – Strasse. The user himself can decide in what direction he wants to go next, what part of the building he wants to see and from what side he would like to approach it. There is no computer needed to use this DVD. This DVD is built by 96 specially created film sequences which are connected with each other in a way that the user, by pressing the buttons on his DVD Player, can “walk” through the streets, squares, courts, drive ways, passages and gardens of the Reich Chancellery. On top of it, this DVD makes it possible to let the user look around 360 degrees on specific spots. In connection with the documentary on DVD 1 the user will so be able to get most possible information about the Chancellery and also learn to orientate himself in the vast area of Hitler’s Berlin headquarter.

This DVD Box comes with a specially created full colour map of the Chancellery. This map will help orientating on the interactive walk through of DVD 2.

Rochus Misch erzählt

Running Time: ca. 50 min
Language: English
Format: PAL
ISBN: 978-3-9811593-6-3
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Fünf Jahre arbeitete Rochus Misch als Leibwächter, Kurier und Telefonist Adolf Hitlers. Seit 1940 lebte er in dessen engster Umgebung und wurde am Ende auch Zeuge von Hitlers Selbstmord. Rochus Misch war der Letzte der am 2. Mai 1945 aus der bereits von der Roten Armee eingeschlossenen Reichskanzlei entkam. Danach sah er den Gebäudekomplex nie wieder. Denn während er neun Jahre in sowjetischer Kriegsgefangenschaft verbrachte, wurde die Reichskanzlei abgerissen. In den letzten Jahren wurde durch die Firma „Keystone Animation“ das alte Berliner Regierungsviertel am Computer rekonstruiert. Dies machte es möglich, dass 63 Jahre nach seiner nächtlichen Flucht Rochus Misch zur Reichskanzlei zurückkehren konnte, um sich als einer der letzten Zeitzeugen zu erinnern. Während Christoph Neubauer dem mittlerweile 91jährigen Misch Computeranimationen der Reichskanzlei zeigte, lief eine Tonaufzeichnung, die hier auf dem vorliegenden Film veröffentlicht wurde. Angeregt durch die Animationen erzählte Misch, was ihm zu den einzelnen Filmsequenzen einfiel. Erinnerungen aus dem Alltag der Reichskanzlei, über Kollegen, Freunde und seinen „Chef“ Adolf Hitler. Die Filmsequenzen provozierten spontane Erinnerungen des Erzählers, illustrieren jedoch auch gleichzeitig seine Worte. So treffen in dem hier vorliegenden Film die verblassenden Erinnerungen eines Zeitzeugen auf eine detaillierte Computerrekonstruktion des von ihm mit Worten beschriebenen Ortes. Ein starker Kontrast zwischen wissenschaftlicher und persönlicher Geschichtsaufarbeitung und ein Dokument des täglichen Lebens in Hitlers engstem Umfeld.

Die Voßstraße

Running Time: ca. 40 min
Language: German/ English
Format: PAL
ISBN: 978-3-9811593-4-9
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For this film the historic buildings of the street, between 1932 and 1940, were digitally recreated. Aside from the architectural highlights on the street, such as the department of Justice this film also covers the building where Speer executed his first contract for the Nazi Party in 1932. This documentary not only shows the buildings that were actually constructed, but also the intended expansion of Voss Street that was part of the plans for the new Reich Capital "Germania".

Der Wilhelmplatz

Running Time: ca. 40 min
Language: German/ English
Format: PAL
ISBN: 978-3-9813977-5-8
Buy now: Webshop

The documentary "Der Wilhelmplatz" portrays how the former Wilhelmplatz, which was influenced by Schinkel, was converted to a deployment plaza in 1936. By direct comparison of old and new, this film discerns how the plaza evolved into a stage for Adolf Hitler’s big events through diverse re-construction ventures. In addition to the buildings, computer specialists even re-constructed the flag backdrops adorning each house at the beginning of 1936, for this documentary. It enables today’s viewer to experience the effect of this flag display. In addition, the goal-oriented artificial lighting on Wilhelmplatz, which was implemented by Albert Speer, is also portrayed in this film. The visual effect these great night-time events at the Wilhelmplatz had on people and why Berlin’s Wilhelmplatz is still viewed as a symbol for the national-socialist terror reign today, is demonstrated by the example of the Grand Tattoo on the evening prior to Hitler’s 50th birthday.

3 DVDs – Das Berliner Regierungsviertel & Albert Speers Neue Reichskanzlei

The New Reichs Chancellery in Berlin has come to symbolize the beginning, and the end, of the Second World War. It was built to represent the Third Reich, and intended to be the first construction of the planned world capitol, Germania. As such it is connected to Hitlers' expansion plans, and his dream of a rule that would last a thousand years. Instead, he ended his life in its underground bunker, and the New Reichs Chancellery was destroyed, before even a decade could pass.In Albert Speer's New Reichs Chancellery, this building have been recreated in high detail, in order to examine its architectural merit, as well as its historical significance. The entire surrounding government district have been remodeled, to show how the placing and design of the New Reichs Chancellery was influenced by existing buildings, and the layout of the surrounding streets. (DVD's out of stock)